Having a smooth, youthful-looking neck can make you look significantly more attractive and distinguished. If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your neck or jawline due to sagging skin, loose muscles, or excess fat, you may want to consider undergoing neck liposuction or a neck lift in South Jersey with Dr. Corrado.
How Does the Procedure Work?
In many cases, a neck lift will be done in conjunction with neck liposuction. However, the two surgeries are quite different in how they’re performed.
- Neck Lift: Typically, a neck lift is performed by making incisions beneath the chin, tightening the neck muscles with sutures, and removing or tightening any excess skin. If the patient has pockets of fat around the neck or jawline that they want removed, Dr. Corrado may perform neck liposuction along with the neck lift.
- Neck Liposuction: Neck liposuction begins with small incisions behind the ears and under the chin. Then, a tumescent fluid solution is injected into the targeted areas of fat. Once the fat cells have been loosened, the excess fat is removed using a narrow cannula attached to a suction machine.