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What is a Facelift?

Facial aging is an unfortunate fact of life, and regardless of what you do, everyone eventually succumbs to its effects. As we age, the effects of gravity have dramatic consequences on our appearance. The common areas of facial aging are the cheeks, lower face, jawline, and neck. Descent of the midface (“the cheek”) causes accentuation of facial lines and wrinkles. The nasolabial folds, lines that extend down the face from the corner of the nose, are deepened. The marionette lines which extend down from the corner of the mouth are also worsened with gravity and age. The skin along the jawline also sags, causing jowling to occur. Lastly, skin and muscles in the neck also become loose, creating the “turkey neck” appearance. Also known as a rhytidectomy, a facelift in Philadelphia with Dr. Corrado, a board-certified facial plastic surgeon, will target all of these complaints.

Who is a good candidate for a Facelift?

A good candidate for Dr. Corrado's facelift in Philadelphia is any healthy female or male who is becoming self-conscious about facial aging and who desires rejuvenation of the lower face and neck. The individual should have realistic expectations regarding the outcome of the procedure. They should be a non-smoker or be willing to stop all nicotine-containing products prior to surgery and for the duration of the recovery period. Many candidates feel they are ready for a facelift when they realize they are no longer achieving improvement with minimally invasive treatments or fillers. Candidates for a facelift typically seek a more dramatic and long-lasting solution to facial and neck aging.

Beautiful woman looking directly at camera with her finger resting on her chin

Facelift Testimonial Videos by Dr. Corrado
Real Patients, Real Result


Learn About the Procedure

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According to Dr. Corrado, a facelift is the most powerful procedure which can help an individual recapture their youth. Patients seeking a facelift typically seek a procedure that will help transform them into a naturally refreshed version of themselves.

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With over a decade of experience performing facelift surgery in Philadelphia and surrounding areas, Dr. Corrado created the C-Lift facelift procedure, which has helped countless patients achieve a more youthful and revitalized appearance. By dealing with the descent of the deeper facial structures in addition to the sagging and excess skin, a more natural and lasting result is achieved. The C-Lift℠ facelift allows for extremely natural facelift results, preventing the classic “windswept” or “overdone” look feared by many prospective facelift patients. Via well-hidden incisions, the procedure will seek to “turn back the clock” by improving the most visible signs of aging.

Dr. Corrado customizes the procedure to meet each patient’s needs allowing you to look and feel more youthful, confident, and fresh. Other procedures such as a necklift, browlift, eyelid lift (blepharoplasty), fat transfer, facial/neck liposuction, dermal fillers, or laser resurfacing may be incorporated with the C-Lift facelift to create a personalized treatment plan. His ability to create beautiful, while also natural, facelift results has led patients to regard him as one of the best Philadelphia facelift surgeons.

What Are the Benefits of Facelift Surgery?

Some of the benefits of Dr. Corrado's facelift surgery in Philadelphia include:

  • Correction of lower facial and neck laxity.
  • Improved jawline definition with correction of sagging skin, commonly referred to as “Jowls.”
  • Removal of excess fatty tissue in the face or neck is commonly referred to as the “Double Chin.”
  • Correction of sagging skin or muscle “banding” present in the neck leading to a “Turkey Neck.”
  • Improvement of deep facial wrinkles and skin folds.
  • Overall natural rejuvenation of the lower face and neck.
  • Scars are well hidden and nearly impossible to see.
  • Increased self-confidence.

A facelift can be combined with other procedures such as neck lift, eyelid surgery, brow lift, facial fat grafting, and non-surgical treatments.

Facelift Before & Afters by Dr. Corrado

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Experience Matters -

Trust Your Face to a Specialist

When choosing a surgeon for your facelift, remember that experience matters. A facelift is a challenging procedure that requires a keen understanding of facial aesthetics, extensive knowledge regarding facial aging, vast experience in facial anatomy, and an artistic sense to achieve a natural-appearing transformation.

  • For over a decade, Dr. Corrado’s Philadelphia practice has solely focused on facial cosmetic surgery with a special emphasis on facelift surgery.
  • He has trained with leaders in the field of facelift surgery in both Newport Beach and Beverly Hills, CA.
  • He is triple board-certified in Facial Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery, and Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, offering him tremendous skill and expertise in facial and neck surgery.
  • He has lectured at national symposia and published articles in the medical literature on facelift surgery.
  • His practice philosophy hinges on patient safety and natural-appearing results.

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Corrado Facial Plastic Surgery

The Doctors Logo

It is my pleasure to share with you my thoughts on Dr. Anthony Corrado. I have scrubbed with him in surgery many times during his cosmetic surgery fellowship with us. Anthony is a gifted surgeon with a keen aesthetic eye. He also has the skills and experience to achieve great results for his patients. The natural and easy rapport he develops with his patients creates a perfect environment for making their dreams a reality.

Dr. Drew Ordon co-host of the CBS television’s “The Doctors”

The Corrado Facelift Surgery Philosophy

My practice philosophy is to provide my patients with a natural-appearing result. A patient should not immediately be asked by a friend or relative if they had a facelift. A good facelift should always keep others guessing. Historically, traditional facelifts encompassed only skin tightening or “skin-pulling” procedures, which unfortunately lead to an overdone or “wind-blown” look while also not providing long-lasting results. Today, modern facelift surgery has evolved to provide more lasting and natural-appearing results. Dr. Corrado’s C-LiftSM facelift will address not only the sagging skin but also the deeper facial structures affected by gravity.

Dr. Corrado

A good facelift should provide a patient with natural rejuvenation, allowing the patient to look younger than their years, while still looking like themselves…only better!


What should I expect in my facelift consultation?

A facelift consultation at our Philadelphia office will allow you to meet face-to-face with Dr. Corrado to determine if facelift surgery is right for you. The facelift consultation will allow a patient to discuss their aesthetic goals. One must realize that, like an individual’s fingerprint, each patient’s face is unique. Therefore, each face provides a unique set of aging issues. Dr. Corrado will take the time to personally address your facial aging and formulate a unique plan to restore your youthful appearance.

Doctor Corrado with a Patient
Corrado Facial Plastic Surgery

Dr. Corrado’s Facelift Patient Testimonials

What are the different Types of Facelifts?


The SMAS Lift refers to the commonly performed “modern-day” facelift procedure.  The SMAS (Superficial Musculo Aponeurotic System) refers to the deep tissue support structures of the face.  As a patient ages, these deep tissue layers become lax in conjunction with the skin.  A SMAS facelift seeks to resuspend the sagging deep tissue layers.  This maneuver plays a crucial role in providing not only natural results but also longevity.  Once the SMAS is tightened by any number of techniques such as imbrication, plication or SMASectomy, the skin can be tightened in a more natural fashion, preventing an “overdone” look.

Mini Facelift/ S-Lift

The mini facelift is a procedure that is less invasive than a traditional facelift.  Mini facelifts are typically indicated for younger patients with early signs of aging, such as mild jowls or mild neck skin laxity.  Older patients or patients with more severe signs of aging typically require a more aggressive procedure to address their needs.  The “S” lift is another name for a mini facelift which refers to the shape of the incision which produces a “short-scar”.  A mini-lift will provide patients with the rejuvenation of early signs of jowling and facial laxity with a shorter recovery and usually at a lower cost than a traditional rhytidectomy procedure.

Deep Plane Facelift

The Deep Plane Facelift was a technique developed to correct the prominent nasolabial fold and facial changes resulting in the descent of the midface.  Its proponents believe it offers better results, although I believe that facelift results depend more on the skill of the surgeon than the facelift technique utilized.  The technique is performed in between the deeper layers of the face, leading to a potential higher risk of damaging the facial nerve.  The deep plane facelift does show a decreased risk with regards to skin necrosis due to the increased flap thickness.

Liquid Facelift

A “Liquid Facelift” is a term for a combination of minimally invasive procedures used to rejuvenate the face without the need for surgery.  The procedure typically involves the use of Botox to soften dynamic wrinkles caused by excessive muscle motion and subtly elevate the brow.   The Liquid Facelift in Philadelphia also involves the use of various dermal fillers such as Restylane, Juvederm, Voluma, and others to help sculpt, contour, volumize and subtly lift the face. There is little to no downtime following the procedure and typically minimal if any post procedure pain.  The results of the procedure can last up to a year.  The “Liquid Facelift” is NOT a substitute for a traditional facelift.  A “Liquid Facelift” cannot provide anywhere near the dramatic and lasting results that a surgical facelift can deliver.

Lifestyle Lift

Lifestyle Lift was a corporation that was known for heavily marketing their version of the mini facelift using infomercials. The Lifestyle Lift was not a revolutionary procedure, but instead a commonly performed mini facelift procedure which was performed under local anesthesia. Due to the corporation’s savvy advertising campaigns featuring celebrity infomercials it received national notoriety. Patients were led to believe they were receiving a new highly innovative procedure, but instead were receiving the typical mini facelift procedure that most physicians perform. After investigations regarding marketing practices and safety issues in performing operations in an office setting, the company closed for business and filed for bankruptcy in 2015.

Woman with Clear Skin

What are the facelift procedure details?


The procedure is typically performed under IV sedation or general anesthesia, depending on the case’s complexity. These types of anesthesia allow the patient to rest comfortably. At the same time, the procedure is performed without fear of feeling any pain or hearing any of the “sounds of surgery,” which we feel can be very anxiety-provoking for a patient. We feel that facelifts that are “touted” to be performed under local anesthesia while awake create a very nerve-wracking and sometimes painful experience for the patient. We feel that these types of procedures are often promoted due to their lower price point, but in the end, we never suggest “bargain shopping” when it comes to your face.

Healing After a facelift

One of my main goals in performing your surgery is to allow a patient to heal without noticeable scars. There are two ways that this goal is achieved. First, proper placement of the incisions is a must. Care is taken to place the incisions in specific locations that follow the gentle curves of the ear, making the incisions less conspicuous post-operatively. Second, meticulous attention needs to be placed on the closure of incisions. Incisions should be closed without tension. By addressing and tightening the SMAS layer first, Dr. Corrado is able to close the skin incisions with virtually no tension on them. Without tension, incisions heal extremely well without scarring.

Facelift Incisions

Incisions consist of both the “pre” and “post” tragal approaches. The tragus is a small triangular structure that sits in front of the ear canal. It is composed of cartilage and covered with skin. Traditional facelift incisions typically employ the pre-tragal approach, an incision placed in front of the tragus, leaving a noticeable vertical scar.

The Modern-Day Facelift, such as Dr. Corrado’s C-LiftSM facelift, employs the post-tragal approach, which allows the incision in front of the ear to be broken up and hidden behind the tragus. The remaining incisions, which occur in front of the ear in this approach, are fashioned to follow the gentle curves of the ear. This allows the incision to be much less noticeable in order to create a natural facelift result. The incisions behind the ear are placed at the crease and then extended along the natural hairline. Sometimes, a hairline incision may not be necessary, and the incision can end in the post-auricular crease, as seen in popular procedures such as the mini facelift and S Lift.

What Will My Facelift Recovery Be Like?

Initial Recovery

All patients are sent home after surgery and are given a set of detailed post-operative instructions to follow.  Mild pain medication will be prescribed for the patient to ease any discomfort.  Many of our patients tell us they typically have minimal discomfort after their facelift.  Ice packs or cold compresses are suggested to help with any minor swelling or bruising.  Patients are asked to sleep in an inclined position to help alleviate any swelling.  Generally, the initial healing process takes 10-14 days. During the first 7-10 days, a majority of the swelling and bruising subsides. All sutures are removed 7 days after surgery.

Long Term Recovery

Most patients can return to work in 10-14 days. Patients are asked to refrain from physical exertion for 3 weeks. Bruising usually resolves by 2-3 weeks after surgery.  The majority of swelling typically resolves in a few weeks, although mild swelling can last for up to 6 months.  An elastic compression garment will be worn around the lower face and neck for approximately one week.  Most patients report they feel confident going out to a casual dinner with friends by 2 weeks after surgery.  *Individual recovery periods vary depending on the patient and the procedure's complexity.


A facelift is precisely customized for each patient according to their aesthetic needs and goals. Dr. Corrado will consult with you to examine your skin and discuss your desired outcome, and from there he will be able to determine the exact cost for your surgical procedure. The cost of a facelift will take several factors into account: complexity of the procedure, facility and anesthesia fees, experience and expertise of the surgeon. Dr. Corrado specializes in facial cosmetic surgery, providing a highly advanced level of expertise and results. As a frame of reference, the cost of a facelift in Philadelphia starts at $17,000. Please call to schedule a consultation at our office to learn more.

Black and White Photo of a Woman

Also Offering Facelifts to Patients in South Jersey and Cherry Hill

Corrado Provides facelifts to patients in South Jersey and Cherry Hill.

Corrado's Facelift in South Jersey & Cherry Hill »


Ten thousand hours of practice is often said to be requisite to the total mastery of anything. Applying a blend of art and science to his canvas, the human face, Dr. Corrado has fulfilled that requirement many times over and cemented his place as one of the greater Philadelphia area’s finest face doctors. Discerning patients from across the U.S. and abroad, look to Dr. Corrado for an elevated approach to facial plastic surgery, trusting their face to a specialist.

Why do some patients look like their faces are pulled too tight or look “windblown” after a Facelift?

A person whose face looks overly pulled does not represent a satisfactory result. This undesirable look is many times caused by the direction the skin is tightened during the surgery. By pulling the skin directly back on a horizontal plane, an unnatural result is attained.

The facelift procedure is used to combat gravity. Gravity pulls everything downward; therefore, the proper direction for facial tightening is mainly upwards, with a slight pullback. By using this vector of tightening, the lower facial structures are repositioned to a more youthful level. Such results lead to natural beauty for our patients.

Can I have more than one rhytidectomy in my life?

It is not uncommon for patients to have two, or even three of facelifts in their lifetime. As life expectancies continue to increase, more and more patients are visiting the practice seeking to look younger even into their elder years. Many patients begin with a mini facelift in their mid-to-late 40s and return 5-10 years later for a traditional lift in order to look youthful well into their 70s.

Age is not a discriminating factor for surgery. Instead, a patient’s health status is most important. Regardless of age, all patients go through pre-operative screening to evaluate their eligibility to undergo surgery. Many elder patients are in great health and are cleared to have facial rejuvenation procedures and surgery.

How long does it take to perform a Facelift?

The procedure typically takes between 2-6 hours depending on the complexity of the case and if other procedures such as forehead/browlift, blepharoplasty (eye tuck), facial liposuction, chemical peel, laser skin resurfacing, or facial fat grafting are added to further complement the patient’s facelift results. All procedures are performed in a fully accredited outpatient surgery center or hospital.  Procedures which are referred to as “lunchtime lifts” which are many times advertised to take less than an hour result in inferior results, with short-lived improvement.  We never cut corners when it comes to our patients’ faces and take the required time to provide the best results.

Which facial structures are “tightened” during a Facelift?

The modern-day rhytidectomy involves a “two-layer” approach to facial tightening by addressing the deep and superficial tissue layers. These tissue layers include the SMAS, platysma muscle, and skin.

The SMAS is a connective tissue layer that covers the muscles of the face. The SMAS is one of the most important areas to be addressed in order to achieve long-lasting results. Tightening of the SMAS layer is a key step for a good rhytidectomy.

The platysma is a thin muscle that covers the neck. This area is crucial to achieving good neck rejuvenation. The platysma muscle is tightened both centrally, under the chin, as well as laterally to achieve a firmer neckline.

Once the deep layers of the face and neck have been addressed, the surgeon’s attention is then directed towards the skin. Conservative tightening of the facial and neck skin is carried out to provide a natural look. Overly tightening the facial skin can lead to a “windblown” appearance, which is very unattractive and unnatural.

What procedures are commonly performed with a Facelift to further rejuvenate the face?

In an effort to restore facial beauty, other facial procedures may be performed at the same time as the rhytidectomy. These may include the following procedures:

  • Forehead/Brow Lift
  • Blepharoplasty (Eye Tuck)
  • Chin Augmentation
  • Neck Liposuction
  • Facial Fat Grafting
  • Chemical Peel
  • Laser Resurfacing

Do I need to quit smoking before a facelift?

Smoking and all nicotine-containing products will have adverse effects on wound healing. Patients who smoke, use smokeless tobacco, or utilize any nicotine-containing products such as nicotine gum will need to stop before their procedure.

Smoking will cause delays in wound healing, wound breakdown, possible skin death (necrosis), and increased risk of infection and scarring. Typically, patients are asked to refrain from nicotine one month prior to their procedure and remain nicotine free for one month after. Many patients find this to be a great excuse to break their habit, with many patients telling the practice that they have quit for good. It should also be noted that patients should remove themselves from environments with “secondhand smoke,” as this can cause similar problems.

Will a facelift correct my “turkey neck”?

A “turkey neck” deformity usually refers to laxity in the neck region under the chin. Most commonly, this laxity is due to sagging skin or muscle. As we age, our skin loses its elasticity and does not sit as tightly on our neck.

Many times, excess skin alone is what causes the “turkey neck.” In this instance, a facelift will help to remove excess skin and redrape the skin in a tighter position on the neck. If thick bands are present as well, then laxity of the platysma muscle exists. This muscle is present on both sides of the neck and meets in the middle under one’s chin to form a “seam,” like what we see on a pair of pants. As this “seam” separates with aging, the free ends of the platysma muscle become much more visible. Noticeable platysmal bands are seen under the chin.

In order to correct neck bandkign, a necklift procedure referred to as a platysmaplasty, is performed in conjunction with the rhytidectomy. During this procedure, the free ends of the platysma muscle are brought together and the “seam” is recreated with sutures. After suturing the platysma muscles back together, a tighter, more youthful neckline is achieved. Dr. Corrado will examine your face carefully in consultation to choose which procedures are right for you.

Will a facelift correct my “double chin”?

Many patients complain of excess sagging and fullness in the neck area under their chin. Commonly, this fullness is referred to by patients as their “second chin”. It is not uncommon for excess fatty deposits to be present in the submental area, which results in a heavy appearance of the lower face and neck.

These fatty deposits can be corrected during a facelift with liposuction. A small incision no longer than a half inch is made in the crease under the chin, and a small suction cannula is used to gently suction out the excess fat.

Does a facelift correct jowls?

The best procedure for correction of jowls is a lower facelift.  Jowls are formed due to descent of sagging tissue in the face along the jawline. 

During a rhytidectomy in Philadelphia, the jowls are addressed by tightening and removing excess tissue and skin. The SMAS layer is addressed first. SMAS plication involves placing sutures in the SMAS to tighten it. This portion of the procedure provides a firm and refined facial foundation onto which the skin can be redraped. The skin is then tightened and areas of excess skin are removed. This leads to a refined jawline and a more youthful profile.

Will a facelift remove wrinkles?

As we age, our skin loses its elastic properties. With decreases in facial collagen and elastin, two key components to youthful skin, the skin begins to sag and overall skin quality is worsened. 

The main purpose of a facelift is to “lift” and remove sagging skin along the face and neck. It is a procedure used to combat the effects of gravity. Because the facial skin is tightened, as a result facial wrinkles do appear to be improved as well. This operation is NOT the procedure needed to combat wrinkles. Instead, other procedures exist to eliminate wrinkles.

Deep static wrinkles on the face require fillers to smooth out deep crevices. Juvederm, Restylane, and facial fat grafting are three procedures which are effective in eliminating deep facial wrinkles. Fine lines and wrinkles are best treated with either laser resurfacing or chemical peels. Both procedures help to eliminate wrinkles, improve overall skin quality and complexion, and provide a mild degree of skin tightening.

Lastly, wrinkles caused by muscle overactivity are best treated with Botox. Facial wrinkles in the regions of the crow’s feet, forehead, and “11″ lines between the eyebrows can be eliminated with Botox®.

How painful is a Facelift?

Most patients only require a mild prescription pain reliever the first 24-48 hours after surgery. After this time, most patients require no pain medications at all. For those that do require relief after the first 24-48 hours after surgery, Tylenol typically is more than sufficient.

How long will it take for the bruising to go away after a Facelift?

All patients’ bodies are different, and all patients tend to heal at different rates. Generally, bruising can take approximately 2-3 weeks to resolve. Patients differ regarding the degree of bruising they display. At no point after the procedure should the face be completely covered with bruising, as this can be a sign of a complication such as a hematoma.

Many steps are taken to limit excess bleeding in surgery and subsequent post-operative bruising and swelling. Patients are given an extensive list of all prescription and over-the-counter medications that have blood-thinning properties. There is also an extensive list of herbal and vitamin supplements that need to be avoided because of similar effects. Such medications are usually stopped for two weeks prior to surgery and for up to two weeks after surgery. Dr. Corrado will tell you which medications to avoid at the time of your pre-surgical consultation.

Our office will also provide patients a supplement to take prior to surgery called Arnica Forte. Arnika Forte consists of a combination of Arnica Montana and Bromelain, which have been shown to speed healing allowing for faster recovery from bruising and swelling.

How long does it take for swelling to resolve after a Facelift?

Every patient is unique. Therefore, all patients’ recovery periods differ slightly as well. As a general estimate, at 3-4 months after the surgery, 80-90% of the swelling should be resolved. You should not appear to have facial swelling to others that see you. Patients themselves look at their faces regularly and therefore will pick up on small changes in their facial appearance, such as residual swelling. Patients will continue to see subtle changes in the mirror each day of the recovery period.

I tell patients that generally by 6 months after surgery, all swelling should be gone. We suggest to all our rhytidectomy patients to begin herbal therapy with Arnica Forte prior to their procedure. Dr. Corrado finds that this helps to minimize post-operative swelling.

Cold pack therapy in the immediate pre-operative period will also help. Dr. Corrado will provide thorough instructions for your care after your procedure.

What will my activity level be like after my Facelift?

Dr. Corrado has his patients refrain from all strenuous activity for 3-4 weeks after surgery. Strenuous activity refers to heavy lifting, aerobic exercise, and strength training, as well as all other activities which may raise a patient’s heart rate. By partaking in such activities immediately after surgery, a patient would put themselves at high risk of complications such as bleeding, hematoma, and delayed wound healing.

Dr. Corrado does want his patients to partake in light activity, as lying in bed all day will not help one’s healing or raise a recovering patient’s spirits. For the first three weeks after the procedure, patients may take short walks, as long as they keep themselves protected from the sun and do not exert themselves. At the three-week follow-up appointment, Dr. Corrado will assess a patient’s healing and typically clear them for participation in their normal activities.

Are my facelift results permanent?

Unfortunately, there is no "fountain of youth" and no way to completely halt the aging process. Your face will continue to age following the operation. It will, however, help to "turn the clock back" and allow you to look younger. Most patients say they look 10 years younger following this operation. A patient can prolong the results of their procedure by using a proper skincare regimen, avoiding the sun, not smoking, and maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle.

What procedures are commonly performed with a Facelift to further rejuvenate the face?

In an effort to restore facial beauty, other facial procedures may be performed at the same time as the rhytidectomy. These may include the following procedures:

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