Those interested in pursuing a career in facial plastic surgery must earn their bachelor’s degree in a specific major of their choice while also completing required premedical coursework in such disciplines as biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics. After completing their bachelor’s degree, students must enroll into a four-year medical school. Students can earn two types of medical degrees: (M.D.) or (D.O.). Both degrees will allow the student to graduate medical school and ultimately pursue specialized training in facial plastic surgery.
Surgical Training
After graduating from medical school, facial plastic surgeons must complete five to six years of residency training. Facial plastic surgeons typically complete 5-6 years of residency training in facial plastic surgery and otolaryngology-head & neck surgery. The first year of residency is devoted to general surgery. Those with a D.O. complete an additional 12-month internship before entering residency. Following residency, a year of subspecialty training is taken in the form of a fellowship.